ACA LARGE PROJECTSLARGE PROJECTSHOMELARGE PROJETSON THE BOARDSMALL RESIDENTIALSUSTAINABILITYPRESSCONTACT MENUMENUCULTURAL CENTRE, S. FranceTOWN CENTRE, E. LondonFLOATING OPERA, DubrovnikOCEAN HOUSE, PortugalMEXICO SYMPHONY PROJECTHOUSING ESTATE, E LondonSOHO OFFICES, W. LondonCARGO HAUSMUSIC CONDUCTOR HOUSEMisc Sketches East London Housing Estate proposal A proposal to reinvigorate an existing housing estate with new cladding, windows, colour, trompe l'oeil, planting, cladding, bycycle facilities Aerial view showing the extent of the housing and the park. Colour is a traditional way to brighten up the environment and add detail to the facades and give identity to the comnunity. Colour study. Site under construction Site under construction Entry View 5_0000CROP EAST LONDON REGENERATION Entry View 5_0000 Aerial view CityView0000 Street2